Includes Punch Needle Embroidery, Rug Punch with Yarn, Hooked and Embroidered Projects
Instructor: Jeri Buek
Date: March 27, 2025
Time: 9:00 – 12:00
Maximum number of students: 5
Prerequisites: having already completed a punched or embroidered piece would be good.
Class Description: Learn how to “lace” completed pieces to a frame, how to apply to fabric (wool), embellish with embroidery or beads or buttons. Lots of ideas. These methods could be applied to Embroidered, Punch Needle, Rug Punch with Yarn or Hooked projects.
Fee: $30 for HWFA members (must have completed orientation at the time of registration) or $40 for non-members, payable by check, cash, or
credit card to HWFA.
Materials fee: $15 payable in cash to instructor first day of class
Supplies brought by student: materials are provided. If there are special frames or embellishments wanted, bring them.
Location: Boarding House, Historic Johnson Farm on Haywood Road, Hendersonville, NC
To secure your seat in the class, send registration form with check to:
Heritage Weavers and Fiber Artists (HWFA), 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, NC 28791
OR drop cash, check or credit card by the Boarding House Monday through Friday 10 am - 3pm.
Also be sure to include the Class Sign-Up Form found by clicking here