Instructor: Claudia Lampley
Date: Saturday, November 4
Time: 1:00 – 4:00
Maximum number of students: 10
Location: Boarding House, Historic Johnson Farm on Haywood Road, Hendersonville, NC
Prerequisites: Beginner and beyond
Class Description:
Students will hook a cardinal and learn how to finish it into a hanging ornament
Fee: $30 for HWFA members (must have completed
orientation at the time of registration) or $40 or non-members, payable by check, cash or credit card to HWFA.
Materials fee: $20 kit
Supplies brought by student: Bring a sharp pair of scissors and a frame / hoop.
Materials provided by instructor or HWFA: Teacher will provide pattern, wool, 2 sided fusible and embroidery floss. Hooks and frames will be available during the class that may
be purchased after the class.
To secure your seat in the class, send registration form with check to:
Heritage Weavers and Fiber Artists (HWFA)
3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, NC 28791
OR drop cash, check or credit card by the
Boarding House Monday through Friday 10 am - 3pm.
Also be sure to include the Class Sign-Up Form found by clicking here: